First RTF Blog Post
Hello :)
My name is Leah King and I'm from Luling, Texas. It's a small town of nearly 6,000 people about 45 miles south of Austin known for its barbeque and watermelons. UT is amazing and I love it! The reason I am taking this class is because it was the reason I selected my FIG. I originally wanted to be an RTF major, but changed my mind and I am a PR major. So I figured I could get my fix of an idea of what the introduction to RTF and media studies would be like. I also can receive credit towards my major by taking a class within the communications department, but outside of my major. So I actually get benefits on a personal level as well as and educational level. From taking this course I hope to get a better understanding of the past, present, as well the future of media. I'm very interested in the study of media and the effect and influence that it has on society as a whole. I also hope to learn the impact my generation has had or the one it will have on the world using the media and how to develop a better understanding why the world reacts to the use of media and why it reacts the way it does. Happy Blogging,
Leah :)
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