In lecture on the 13th, Professor Straubhaar discussed understanding media's effects onindividuals with both strong and limited affects. A theory of strong effect is social learning which was defined as "users modeling or imitating attitudes or behavior observed in the media". Examples of social learning are teen pregnancy becoming "normal", the idea that all men have to be tough 24/7, or in this case, the media portraying women as all being thin and fit as if it is required to be considered beautiful. In today's society the media portrays models and actresses as being thin and fit, leaving almost every girl in America thinking they have to be like that as well. Every famous actress or model is typically around one hundred to one hundred and twenty pounds and they are always being exposed in the media for their bodies and fashions, almost more than they are for their talent. Photos of them are usually from premieres where they are decked out from head to toe in the lastest fashions, paprazzi pictures, or from attending celebrity/charity events. When a typical girl sees this, an instant thought of "I want to look just like that" is running through their head. The media puts these women out for us to see, but they don't realize it kills most girls self esteem because they automatically wish to be fit and thin just like the women they see in the public eye. Even not-so-thin celebrity women are now starting to make headlines from losing a substantial amount of weight, which might inspire some girls who want to lose weight but might bring down other girls also. Many times the way these women are shown in the spotlight causes girls to act or start to want to look or even become exactly like these starlets. However, it can be negative though due to girls becoming harmful to themselves by becoming anorexic or bulimic because of how fast it seems these celebrities lose this weight. Video discussing Jessica Simpson's weight gain:
Photos from Google
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